«Если мы позволим расчленить Украину, будет ли обеспечена независимость любой из стран?»

Байден на Генассамблее ООН призвал противостоять российской агрессии

antradienis, sausio 19, 2016


Don't worry, the dollar's funeral is coming as is the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD RELIGION.

But the good news is out of the ashes revival is born. Pray for a remnant of believers, patriots and warriors to rise up and take our country back from the wretched godless Globalists and reassert our American Christian heritage. Pray for a genuine revival to awaken the darkened hearts that have been captured by this evil generation.

FUTURESHOCK 2016-2020: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 1

Casualty rates will be astronomic. Population reduction in America alone is being predicted to be an astonishing 80%. That means only a 20% survival rate or about 65 million Americans will be alive by the year 2025. If you live in America today, your chances of surviving to see the year 2025 are exactly 1 in 5 (Deagel). Shocking! But don't shake your head and be too quick to dismiss what you just read....remember, there is NOTHING that a criminal regime won't do to stay in power. Remember the Nazi's?

Buckle your seat belts folks and hang on tight, the ride is about to get rough. Pray, trust God for your life, prepare, use wisdom, get skilled at needed job trades, store some food, water, cash, guns, gold, toiletries, batteries, books, medications and keep gathering truthful information before it becomes illegal to spread.

When JUDGMENT comes...death and destruction results. But the good news is out of the ashes revival is born. Pray for a remnant of believers, patriots and warriors to rise up and take our country back from the wretched godless Globalists and reassert our American Christian heritage. Pray for a genuine revival to awaken the darkened hearts that have been captured by this evil generation.

And be sure to watch FUTURESHOCK 2016-2020 Part 2 of this video for some more very important information on this subject.

FUTURESHOCK 2016-2020: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 2


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