«Если мы позволим расчленить Украину, будет ли обеспечена независимость любой из стран?»

Байден на Генассамблее ООН призвал противостоять российской агрессии

trečiadienis, balandžio 20, 2022

Video. THE SHOES - short film about children killed by Russia

022-04-20  Офіс Президента України

It could be a film about children's dreams. About who little Ukrainians want to become and what they strive for.
But the war crossed everything out.
Russia is killing our children every day. 
We will not forgive Russia for any lost child and lost dreams.
We, like all these days of war, ask the world to close the skies over our living children so that Russian bombs do not fall on them.
Meanwhile, the heinous number of dead children's dreams is growing…

Director: Vasyl Moskalenko
DOP: Andrii Brunov
Editing: Yaroslav Bilous 
Sound: Sergii Pynchuk

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